Have you ever wanted to reinvent yourself?
I'm always looking for a way to change my look, or my skill set, adding something new to who I am. I've said before that right now I am in the Mom Box. (see here) Even if I try to jazz up that Mom look, the trail of dried snot across the front of my shirt gives me away every time. You know how it is.
I have always loved cat eye glasses. To me, they are the epitome of cool and stylish and of course, perfectly retro.
I love them.
They are funky. And I'm sure there are lots of people who look askance at the Mommy with the snot smears on her shirt and the rhinestones on her reading glass frames. But who cares?
I'm reinventing myself.
I told you I like retro.
Just call me mid century Mama!
However, later that day, when it came time to scrub the toilet, I did have to don some sweats and I pulled my hair into a pony tail. I left on the glasses, though.
And the pearls.
Cute glasses...love them!!
I LOVE the reinvented you! What am I saying I have loved every decade of you! I love the new glasses and I think scrubing the toilet while wearing pearls is totaly awesome! Very June Cleaver of you!
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