Last Sunday, Aaron and I were sitting in church. A few rows in front of us sat a family just like ours: 2 big brothers and 1 little sister. Theirs were a few years older than ours, and I whispered to Aaron, "hey, that's gonna be us before you know it."
"I was thinking the same thing," he said.
Then he surprised me.
"Do you think we need one more?"
I looked at him for a minute, and then smiled.
"Yes, sometimes I think we do."
"Me too."
It was such a sweet and tender moment, and it felt momentous too. We haven't really said yes! to another one. There has been a lot of maybes, and somedays and we don't know yets.
Well, Lilly slept for 15 minutes on the ride home from church that afternoon, so she was an absolute beast the whole day. And William, who knows what his problem was, but everything was a catastrophe, He too, was an absolute beast.
"No wonder we said we wanted another," I thought to myself. "Our kids weren't even with us! There's no way we could do this again!"
Isn't that always the way?
The next night, I was wandering the isles of Target, alone, and aimless. It's every Mom's favorite thing to do. Go to Target. Alone. Look at sheets, and storage solutions, maybe try on some clothes that don't really fit that great, but who cares, they're cheap!, browse the makeup aisle and check out the 70% off Christmas clearance section. It's bliss.
As I was wandering, I passed the refrigerated case and saw a bottle of Nestle Nesquik chocolate milk. "Yumm. That looks so good." And I pulled one out.

I always crave chocolate milk when I'm pregnant.
I went home and for the first time, I was genuinely shocked when I saw POSITIVE.
So shocked that I marched right out and showed Aaron. His eyes grew to the size of dinner plates and he said, "what does this mean?"
"It means we're having another baby!"
That's right. Number 4!
We laughed and laughed. From shock. And joy. And the surprise.
We prayed together.
We were both a little shaky.
And we remembered the day before and we laughed some more.
After the idea of it settled in our minds a little bit, the first thing I did was start the name list. We have a lot more girls names than boys names.
It explained a lot. No wonder I was so tired over Christmas. I kept wondering what my problem was, where was my motivation and mentally slapping myself to get it together. Drink more coffee!
Now I am on the couch the minute Lilly lays down for a nap! The tiredness. Oh I forgot how paralyzing it is.
And for the record, I told Aaron 2 weeks or so ago, "if it wasn't impossible, I'd say I was pregnant right now." I guess it wasn't impossible and, yes Aaron, I do know right away when I'm pregnant!
So here we are, starting a new journey. It is going to be fun to share it here. Although I'll tread lightly. I'll censor what I say and not share too much. After all, if my bother hears me mention the word uterus, he just about faints.

4. 4! It's going to be wild. It's going to be great.
It's going to be fantastic!
Congrats!!!!! A wonderful addition to a beautiful family.
I am the first Blogger to read all about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!!! thanks for leting me in on the news early! I love you and I am thrilled!!! So is Aaron ready for everest again? Hope so! So Privatly I need details!!! when are you due????
And for the tally sheet I vote for Oliver and am tied between Margret and Ruby! Good luck!!!!! Congratulations!!! I can see why the Lord would entrust another whole new person to you! I love that you announced it on your blog!!
I am sitting here at my kitchen table at 4 am with tears in my eyes because I am so happy about your new baby! I love you guys so much and am thrilled for you!
Wow! Sweet story. Congratulations to you and your family! If anyone can handle four children, it's you! I vote for Caroline or Audrey. :) And I so agree with you about Target - a mom could spend hours in there alone. Sometimes my aim is to go in for one small thing, but every time I walk out spending no less than $30.
My Greta girl*Wow Dad and I are over the moom with joy. Let the adventure begin......begin. No, let the adventure continue. We love you all so much. Woopee!
Congratulations! What wonderful news. Your children are very blessed. Let me know when you guys want to get together and play.
Congratulations! Having three myself I can imagine the feelings you felt finding out you were pregnant again. :) Children are such a blessing from the Lord! A lot of work, but worth every minute. As I type my cheeks are sticky from 100 hot chocolate kisses. No kidding...he forgot to share his hot chocolate with me, so he gave me 100 kisses instead. :) I'll take the kisses any day. Having a fourth, you'll get that many more kisses. Lucky you! You have such a beautiful family and the new little one will make it that much more beautiful. And I think you should make Ben faint!
Oh, and I should have read the post last night...I could have been the first comment on FB!
Yay, Aaron and Greta!!
I think it is the sweetest thing that the Father was preparing you both just the day before finding out. I love that! I'm teary-eyed and shining happy for you. Also, I'm partial to Clementine. x
Oh, Greta! How absolutely thrilling! It sounds so complete. . .4. I wondered if you'd have to change your blog name if you had more lovely children. I guess only if it's a girl! Congratulations. It's the sweetest of announcements.
I was just telling a friend the other day that I admire my friend, Greta, as a mom so much. She's so creative and REALLY enjoys her children. I guess God feels the same way!
I love all the names your thinking of, especially Margaret, Clementine and Oliver.
Love lots!
Absolutely fantastic!
How exciting!!! 4 children...How wonderful and beautiful!
Wow, get busy for a month and don't stop by, and I miss everything! Well, that showed me! Congratulations to you both!
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