Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Lilly and the brothers

It has been a year! One year ago I wrote my first post and Lilly and the Brothers was born.
It has been so much fun. It has made my life richer, fuller and more beautiful.
More than anything I am so very, very happy to have a record of our sweet, little life to savor for years to come. I plan on reading these stories to my grandchildren.

Lilly, James, William, you are the greatest gift I have ever been given. I thank God daily that He allowed you to be my babies, my friends. I love you more than I could ever tell you. I hope that these pages are a reminder of that. You make me smile everyday. You also make me crazy, but we won't talk about that right now!
Year 2
What wonderful adventures are waiting around the bend?
I can't to discover them with my 3 favorite people.

1 comment:

the shoppe owner said...

oh my gosh. your children are getting cuter and cuter and cuter all of the time - just like mine! funny how that happens.

I absolutely adore their most recent picture together. what joy they must bring to your home! I can here the giggles now :O)