This was the first year both boys were in the Christmas play at my Dad's church. Last year William said he wanted to be the sheep but changed his mind at the dress rehearsal. This year he determined to try again.
He was all set until he saw the big sticks the shepherds got to carry.
"I don't want to be a sheep," he told me. "I want to be a shepherd!"
Thankfully there were extra costumes and the play director, my Dad, is very good at rolling with whatever happens. So William was a shepherd instead of a sheep. Most importantly, he got his very own big stick.
When all the shepherds were shivering and saying how cold it was, the biggest shepherd delivered his line, "let's go to Starbucks."
And James delivered his, "Yeah! I want a latte!"
There were 9 shepherds. 9 boys, ages 3-12, all with big sticks. It is a potentially dangerous combination. But everything went well.
About halfway through, William tired of his head gear and took it off. He just threw it down on the ground. A bit later, he took off his cloak and threw it on the ground as well. It was itchy. He didn't wiggle or giggle or cause distractions. He just took off his costume. I thought it was pretty funny. And pretty good for a 3 year old in his first play.
And that is why we all love Christmas. It is just so good it makes our stomach hurt.
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