Thursday, September 1, 2011

Home School Group Activities: Mr. Bart's Science Class

Another installment in the Home School Group Activity series.  
For the others, go here and here.
And remember, it's all about enriching your kids' lives--home schooled or not.
Hoping you will go forth and be inspired!

Mr. Bart's Science Class
One of the dad's in our group is a junior high science teacher.
So Mr. Bart brought a bit of science to his backyard for the kids (and adults) in our group.
It was garage science at its finest.

There were experiments in electricity.

Those big batteries are so much fun.
Reminds me of when we did this experiment with electro-magnetic activity.

The kids had to find the right connection to make the bell ring.
Every time it did, an angel got his wings and the kids squealed.

There were all sorts of things to touch and learn from.
Tuning forks.



Static electricity was a big hit.

So was this one.
I can't remember what the base was or the different things they added, except for one.
That made me nervous, but there were no chemical burns.

Inside the garage, with the lights turned out, we learned about the solar system.

What makes the seasons?  Night and day?  How does the earth move around the sun?

That vintage model of the solar system--I want it.
It lights up, people.
It's now on The List.

Out of all the fun things Mr. Bart had set out for them though, paled in comparison to this.


A little baking soda and vinegar goes a long way.
Each kid got to make an "eruption" at least twice.

They measured.



It never got old.

Science is fun!

The boys still talk about this day.
It is so much fun to watch them explore the wonders of our world.

"The world is full of a number of things, I'm sure we should all be happy as kings."
Robert Louis Stevenson
Hoping you find lots to marvel at today.
Love from,


Katie @ minivan diva said...

I just love that you have this amazing group of people to surround your family with as you homeschool.

JDzJane said...

We are going on our 4th year of homeschooling and I am almost ashamed to say that I have never done these things with my kids - well to the extent of the activities in this post. Did they all occure on the same day? There are some groups through the school I go through but I'm too unsure about it all. I'd love to pick your brain on how your homeschooling works for your family! I feel like I'm still learning. But as long as the Lord is the One teaching and leading we are headed in the right direction. Now if only I could really totally grasp that!