"Summer afternoon--summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language."
Henry James
I know it is not officially summer yet. But it feels like summer is here already. Especially in the afternoon.
I love summer afternoons because they are lazy.
We have to be outside under the tree--that's where it's coolest.
We snack out there, read out there, play out there and when it gets too hot, we turn on the hose or hop in the pool to cool down.
And then we lay under the tree and feel the cool wind on our wet skin and we shiver a little.
There is just something about a summer afternoon that makes you slow down. It feels good to rest and be and hear the quiet, hear the wind in the leaves and the chatter of birds.
By the end of August there will be days when it is almost too hot, even under the tree.
And we'll complain and long for a break from the heat. But for now, in these first days of summer, we will relish every moment of it--these lovely, lazy summer afternoons.
Here are some scenes from our summer afternoon today. They all say summer to me.
Frosty drinks and ripe fruit for snacking
and for sharing
Dappled light
A blanket spread on the grass
and a book for reading aloud
Spotting new friends
and getting to know them
There is so much to be enjoyed and savored. And we don't even have to leave our backyard.
Happy summer to you, friends. I hope you have some time this weekend to enjoy some lazy summer afternoon goodness, whatever that looks like for you.
Love from,
the table looks SWEET in that photo! and sweet lil... she looks like pippi! i LOVE it. so cute.
Hi Greta, Thanks for visiting me. I checked out both your blogs and they're both so fun to read. Nice to meet you at Blog Sugar and I'm looking forward to getting to know you better through your blogs :)
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