I know Easter Sunday was 4 whole days ago, but I am a bit behind with blogging this week. Bear with me. Here are some shots from our day--Easter 2010.
We always celebrate Easter service at my parent's church.
Good thing she's the pastor's granddaughter or we'd be in trouble.
The last egg, of course, is empty.
After church, there is the famous Easter egg hunt. The grass was gone this year, but we survived. Last year Lilly couldn't walk and this year she ran right out there to grab those eggs. She knew just what to do.
For William it was a toss up as to what was best, Easter candy or the bacon from the church breakfast.
It wasn't the best year for photos. No one was very cooperative.
That's a little better. (It all fell apart when I asked them to turn around.)
I did get a good shot of all the cousins before the egg hunt at Nana and Papa's.
William is ready to push the babies out of the way to get at those eggs.
Who needs Easter candy when I have these sweeties in my life?

Happy Easter!
My best friend, Tiffy and I, used to play in the Baptist church parking lot when we were six and seven and living on Morro Rd! I never knew that that was the church your dad pastored! I remember a ladies group that met there would always say "hi" to us and smile at us even though we didn't really belong there! My parents probably would have died had they known!
That's the church your dad pastors? On Morro Road? That is right by our old house. We went there for a while back when I was a kid. We used to ride our bikes in that parking lot.
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