"Look Mommy. We're Ewok spies. These are our disguises so that no one knows we're Ewoks."
The disguises worked. I never would have guessed they were Ewoks.
We do a lot of pretending around here. I try to provide an environment that fosters it: costumes, props, the building of forts, the filling up of heads with many many stories for inspiration.
But mostly what I give them is time.
Time to create their own stories, their own ideas, their own games and really their own world.
Kids these days are so busy. There have homework, lessons, sports, play dates, extra curricular activities, tv shows to watch, and that is when they are 5!
And then they grow up and their childhood is gone.
That precious time is gone.
It is easy to think we have to keep them busy, entertained, stimulated, but I assure you, if they have enough time, they'll find a way to entertain themselves.
I found this quote recently that sums it up nicely.
"And so, over entertained, pushed, pulled and tidied up, often the child of today has the rich creative play-response crushed out. Sometimes the only thing his dulled eyes focus on is a premature adolescence which will release him from childhood."
Susan Schaeffer Macauley
Let them be little for as long as you can, because we know how fast time flies.
And how quickly we loose touch with the art of pretending.
couldn't agree more! You sure Lilly wasn't princess Pee-yah?
Well spoken!
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