The day after Thanksgiving we drove past a big shopping center. It was jam packed.
I don't understand the draw. There really isn't anything I want that would make me get up at 5 am, stand in line, perhaps get trampled, and save a few bucks. I can't think of much worse.
Oh wait, doing it with 3 kids. That's worse.
So we didn't hit the mall.
Instead, we hit the trail.
We headed south to Orange County and the Aliso Wilderness Park. Our ultimate destination was a cave, once used as a hideout for stagecoach robbers. Our boys were beyond excited to see this cave.
At first I was a little confused about the wilderness park. We were just hiking down a long, paved road.
We stopped along the side of the road and had our picnic lunch.
Aliso Wilderness Park doesn't begin until you've hiked a mile and a half down a paved road to get to the park entrance. There a dirt path awaits you, a portable toilet, a picnic table and a bike rack. There are a lot of mountain bikers at the park.
Also, there is poison oak. The boys quickly pointed it out.
"Leaves of 3, let it be."
My little wilderness men. (and if this isn't poison oak, tell me what it is, so I can know the real stuff when I see it.)
Even Lilly tried it. And loved it.
I couldn't ask for a better way to spend the day. And it was cheaper than going to the mall.
If you want to go:
Here is the information you need, such as directions, hours etc.
My notes:
You will see lots of mountain bikers, so stick to the side of the trail.
There is a portable toilet at the trail entrance, but no water. Bring extra.
We hardly explored the rest of the park, but there are more trails from where we were, as well as other entrances to reach other parts of the park.
If you are hiking with little legs, remember, you have a mile and half hike to get back to your car.
Our boys already have their next visit to the "robbers cave" all planned out. We'll get there early, set up camp in the cave, with blankets, books and lots of food, and then explore the wilderness all day long. When we are tired or hungry, we'll go back to our cave to rest. We'll pretend we are robbers and the sheriff is trying to catch us, or we'll pretend we are the good guys who kicked the robbers out of the cave.
They couldn't decide on that.
But one thing is for certian. We'll be back.
I love the new header!! And that is such a great hike once you get to the "real" trail head. The second time we went I packed the kids bikes and a jogger so we could ride/jog to the trail head. Once you're at that cave, dripping cave is only a short bit further? farther? My pictures are posted about 6 rows down in this album:
Wait? There is ANOTHER cave? I thought that WAS dripping cave? But I was kind of confused because I didn't see any water dripping. SO funny. I was really confused by that park. We'll definetly have to go back. The bikes and jog stroller is a great idea. That;s what we thought we'd do next time too!
I'm going to look at your pics now!
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