April is a busy month in our family. We have 3 birthdays right in a row. The 3 cousins, Jack, James and Cora. That is actually a real trend in our family, or may family at least. My mom shares her birthday with my 2 brothers while my dad, sister and I have birthdays within a week of each other. It can be hard to keep track of all these birthdays.
In fact, one of our favorite family jokes involves the time my brother Ben remembered it was some one's birthday, but he wasn't sure who. Dad, Kristen, Greta? Just to cover his bases, he called my parent's house and left a message on the answering machine saying, "birthday! It's a birthday. Birthday!"
Neither my sister or I lived at home anymore, but I guess he figured he was getting the message to home base and the word would be passed along. You can be sure that Ben's famous birthday message is now delivered every year.
Our wild man Jack turned 6 and we helped him celebrate his birthday.
Jack loved going at his pinata. Being the birthday boy, he went first. We weren't sure if there'd be any pinata left for the rest of the kids. We also had to put up a barricade for the other guests to stand behind. For safety. They were kind of in awe of Jack's intensity.

It was William's first time hitting a pinata. After his initial feelings of insecurity, he discovered he really enjoyed it. He was all smiles when it was done. That bag of candy was one sweet surprise. He had to sit and relax with Papa John after all that work.
Unlike myself, neither my sister nor my Mom are big fans of throwing birthday parties. (I believe I began planning my own birthday parties by the age of 8. Maybe earlier.) Despite this, both Mom and Kristen still do the parties. I guess their love for their kids supersedes everything else. I have many, many memories of wonderful birthday parties. Sleepovers, beach parties, park parties, balloons, games, the guests and I even remember many of my presents.

I know Jack will remember his birthday parties too. So, even though you don't like to throw them Kristen, as usual, you are thinking of your boy before yourself. You always do a great job.
Happy 6th birthday, Jack. We love you.
1 comment:
I see fear and trepidation on the faces of those boys.
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