Wednesday, September 19, 2012

This Home Schooling Life: -Back to School --Kind of

We're back to school here.
Well, we're kind of back to school.
It's been a bit of a transition to get back into the swing of things after our lazy summer.
And as much as I was ready for school to be over last May, to just be a mommy and not a teacher too, I am ready to get back into the school routine.
But the thing about home schooling is that besides school there is the whole additional element of life going on in the midst of school.
So on mornings like this, when I was up past 1 am with a baby getting his molars, and utterly unable to sleep, I find myself letting our regular routine lapse just a bit.
It might be 9 and we might just be getting breakfast, we might still be un-showered, in jammies and with teeth un-brushed, it might take us the whole day to get through our school work because teething baby will cause lots of interruptions, but I know it's going to be OK.
There will be things to smile about.
Like tropical drinks and geography at breakfast.
This home schooling life is kicking my booty for sure.
But I wouldn't trade it for the world.

It's only been 2 weeks since we started school and I already have about 5 blogs posts written in my head regarding all I have been learning.
Then there's the stuff the kids are doing.
I hope, oh how I hope, to get to it sometime.
But I can't make any promises.
My plate is so full.
Besides, late nights and tropical drinks in the morning make me sleepy.
Love from,


hennymats said...

well, at least you're blogging at all! Right now I just can't seem to get that done - I think I'll do that at night and then as soon as I sit down my brain just shuts down. Oh well, at least I get to read about tropical drinks at breakfast :)

Paul, Lauren, Witt, and Nash said...

Hi Greta!
I have never posted before, not sure why, but I love your blog! I greatly appreciate your willingness to share your life with honsety and humor. I love the way you communicate, a gifted writer (and photographer), and as a Mom of 3 small children, I feel so encouraged! I was just reflecting on the sad reality as a culture how we are so technoligically connected to and yet so relationally "cut off" from each other. It is such a strange dichotomy! It is amazing how despite the busyness and noise of life with children, how alone you can feel as a mom. So nice to know we are not in it alone. I began homeschooling this year and I told my husband tonight how I constantly feel like I can't keep up/get a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g done. I also have a little one who enjoys playing in toilets, our tiny Houdini.;-) Just trying to find balance and trusting in the One who is able to do far more than we can ask or imagine. I am sorry for the somewhat disjointed marathon post. Thanks again!
