Thursday, March 1, 2012

Come Visit Me on Beautifully Rooted

Hi friends!
I'm posting today over at Beautifully Rooted.
It's all about babies, bath time, letting go of control and....
The Sound of Music.

Come visit!
Love from,

PS. Only 3 more to go and we'll be our own version of the Von Trapp Family Singers.
What do you think?


hennymats said...

Lovely post, and perfect for little brother's birthday today. I can't believe my little baby is 3! Even though I've only done this twice, I did enjoy the baby time much more the second time. So what if tonight was the first night ever he fell asleep without nursing, because he is a big boy now. Yeah I know, most people won't understand and think I'm crazy. Maybe I am. But the two of us enjoyed it and are sad to be done now.

Anyhow. Need to get much, much better about not sweating the small stuff. Or the big stuff. Good to know I'm not alone.

So, any plans for your Von Trapp family?


Brooke said...

As I alluded to in my email to you a couple weeks ago, I am trying to at least occasionally comment, so here goes! :)

I am totally loving your contributions specifically and the website in general over at Beautifully Rooted! (and another of my doesn't-know-she's-my-blogfriend-because-I-never-comment gals, Jami Nato, is there, too! If you haven't tried her garbanzo bean blondies, you should - I could eat a whole pan myself! Anyways, I've digressed!)

Your latest post over there really resonated with me. It took us what felt like a decent chunk of time to get pregnant with our little gal (who is just slightly younger than Davy), and now, I am so thankful for that time. During that time my constant companion was a refrain from a Sara Groves song that says, "If it comes too quick, I may not recognize it. Is that the reason behind all this time and sand? And if it comes too quick, I may not appreciate it. Is that the reason behind all this time and sand?" God definitely used that waiting to prepare my heart to appreciate all of this baby time, even more than I anticipated. Someday she will take naps by herself, and sleep through the night, and not want to nurse all time, and really, I'm going to miss all those things.

Funny enough, she just woke up. :) So, I'm off to enjoy some nightime snuggle time with my little lady...

Brooke xx

Unknown said...

I thought you should know... :) I Have EVERY word of the sound of music memorized :)