Thursday, September 22, 2011

About Me

Hi, I'm Greta.
I am wife to Aaron, artist extraordinaire, best friend for 17 years and husband for 13.
Aaron makes me laugh, he encourages me and he does everything in his power to make my dreams come true.
He takes care of the whole lot of us and we are forever grateful.
I love him.
A lot.

I am also mom to these 4 beautiful people.

James 7
William 5
Lilly 3
and Baby Davy 3 months
I adore them.

Before James was born, I was a high school English teacher.
I loved it.
Since having him, I have been happily working as a full time mom.
Now that some of my kids are school age, I am working as an elementary teacher.
I home school.
I love it.

We spend our days together--all together, all the time.
Yes, it can get overwhelming, but most anything can, right?
We read lots of good books, and we enjoy nature study tremendously.
Hiking together is one of our favorite activities.
I love more than anything to take my kids on adventures of all sorts. 
My dream is to offer my children a rich childhood. 
Not in things, but in their education, experiences and the the time I spend with them.

Now about this blog.
From the time I could talk, I have loved to tell stories.
I began this blog so I would have a place to write down our family stories and to have a family history to pass on to my children.
It was also a way for me to hold onto my babies.
My days with them are passing so quickly and I want to remember it all.
So I write.

But in the 2 years since I began the blog, it has become far more than I ever hoped it would.
It is still the place where I share our family stories.
But it is also a place where I share my heart.
As I write about mothering, parenting, marriage, the pain of a miscarriage or the day to day of home schooling, I hope that I can encourage you by being honest.
I want to be real about the good stuff and the hard stuff.
I want to be real about how I get through it all.
I get through it by leaning on my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
My mission has become clear:
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on to love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:24
It is my prayer that God uses my words to touch you in such a way.

I love to tell stories.
I love to take pictures.
I love to share what God lays on my heart.
And I am slightly obsessed with photo booths.

We're a pretty fun crew.
So glad to document these days and share them with you.
Love from,

*I also write another blog, Picnics in the Park.
It's full of the other things in life that make me smile: vintage treasures, good recipes, mid century modern design and pictures of cool things, like old signs.  Please go take a look around and let me know what you like.  Thanks!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

This is an old friend (acquaintance) from Flbk , Tiffany Swanson.?? My sister Naomi Putnam told me about your blog. It's been fun seeing your sweet family. The Lord has truly blessed u guys:)
We too homeschool our 5 kids ( plus 3 in heaven). I totally relate to all of your daily adventures. Thanks for all of your fun stories.
Ps. We too have had our 4 older kids in one room and baby with us until recently... The kids loved it!