Friday, April 1, 2011

Thank you!

I am touched by your response to my last post.
So many of you left me comments here, on my Face Book page, or left notes in my inbox.
Thank you.
Not only is it incredibly encouraging to get feedback and a response from something I write, but it is affirming too.
It can be a bit frightening to put my heart out there, to expose parts of my real self.
But when I think of the writing I love best, I know I love it for its honesty.

I don't have great wisdom to impart, but I do have stories to tell.  
And I constantly reflect on the moments and events that make up my days and my life and what they can teach me.
Yesterday's post came about as Aaron was scrubbing the bathtub for me.
It make me pause and think about how we show love to one another in practical and real ways.  Not always romantic, but definitely real.
"Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue, but with actions and in truth."
I John 3:18

It is so easy to say, " I love you."
Or, "I'm thinking about you."
"I'm praying for you."
But how much more does it mean if we can put actions behind those words and show our love in physical, tangible ways?
It means scrubbing the tub for your pregnant wife, packing your husband's lunch in the morning, reading another book to your son, even though you'd rather read your own book or watching your friend's kids so she can go to the store by herself.
It means baking some one cookies, or dropping everything to go be with a friend who needs you at that moment.  It means getting off your booty and doing something.
It means taking a minute to write a note and send it--on line or the old fashioned way.

So thanks--you showed me some love.  And each encouraging note I received was like getting a bouquet of flowers.  Because I still do like getting flowers.  
Happy weekend, friends!
Love from,

1 comment:

Terrie said...

Thank you! And thanks for the pretty pink roses. I can almost smell them.