Way back in December, before Christmas even, we met our home school group at the beach for sledding. California style.
FYI: if you ever decide to go sand sledding, the round saucers work the best. I dragged 2 sleds, 3 kids and a stroller to the beach and my sleds were complete flops. The round ones though, were a lot of fun.
Lilly didn't even bother with a sled. She just used her body.
There was also digging and some sort of crazy hip hop dance move James is showing the other kids.
You have to be careful around those home schooled kids.
William really likes exploring.
It was a fun day at the beach with our friends. A day like this is amazing just on its own, but then there are moments like this that make the day even better. These next 2 pictures express so well one of my favorite parts about home schooling.
I know it's counter culture and probably really weird to some people. Or crazy. (sometimes it's a little crazy to me too) I respect that opinion. But I love it and I am so very, very grateful for the chance to do this with my kids.
It is just how I hoped my life would be.
Beach sledding!!! That's great! You'll have to come up here to Canada to see how sledding is really done! Nothing like snowpants full of snow on a cold January afternoon.
I'm going to tell all my northern friends how Californians go sledding, eh!
Your Canadian friend...Joy
LOL. That's awesome. We're not getting much of the snow sledding up here this year... no snow! Doesn't feel like winter without it.
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