So we went.
So did a lot of other people.
It was pretty crowded. We had to wait in a lot of lines. Thankfully, our buddies, Noah and Natalie were there, and that made the waiting so much easier.
Our trip into the port started with a bus ride on a Long Beach city bus. The kids thought that was great!
I also liked the mural they had on the front of one of the port buildings.
From the first explorers to modern times, this mural told the whole story.
The kids enjoyed looking at it too. Especially since we had finally scored them some of the free popcorn they were offering.
After a lunch of free pizza, which only Lilly and I ate, we headed over to see the rescue vehicles. That brought some smiles to their faces. They climbed aboard a police boat and this coast guard boat.
So, if you go to the Port Festival next year, here is what I recommend: go early. It starts at 10. Line up to ride the bus at 9. Otherwise you will not get on that train or the boat.
It is definitely worth going to, at least once. just plan ahead for many, many more people than you expected! (Maybe next year the port will too.)
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