So there we were, entering the Wyland gallery. I've been to Laguna Beach many, many, many times and never been in.
It wasn't that bad.
Sure, there was a painting of a killer whale swimming in space, in a sort of dive over the earth. I looked at it as a good opportunity to teach the boys about the concept of romanticism. And there were quite a few coffee tables with sea turtles, sharks, or manatees as the base. The boys thought they were amazing. I chose not to comment. Really though, it was about them and they loved it.
And after looking at the art, we went to the beach. Where there were surfboards.

And the very best of all? There was a Daddy who had the day off and got to come with us on Friday Fun Day. Daddy makes Friday Fun Day much, much better.
Even after a dose of the Wyland gallery, I still love Laguna Beach. I am glad we have introduced the kids to it and they love it now too. Someday I dream of taking them to the Italian Riviera. Until then, we'll have to settle for Laguna.
And a boardwalk to walk upon and look down from.
And this adorable baby who just loved every minute of it.
And there was swinging.
And there was digging.
And there was a telescope for looking out to sea for ships or submarines.
Things could be worse.
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