She's back in America and we got to visit! That's right, my sister friend, Erin, (and Justin!) are here for a short visit. 2 weeks ago we went down to Fallbrook to see them and to hear the presentation they gave at my Dad's church about what they have been doing in the Philippines for the past 10 months. As Erin and Justin shared, one thing they said really stood out to me. They talked about how a large part of their ministry is simply loving people and being their friend. It isn't something that one must have a degree in divinity to do. You must simply be open and available to people. But there is one more thing that Erin and Justin do as they make friends with just about everyone they meet in Manila: they make their love for Christ, their relationship with Him, known. There doesn't seem to be anyone being beaten down with a Bible, yet there is no hiding the fact that they are Christians and that they love Jesus. I think the idea is, "sure I'll be your friend, I want to be your friend, but you will have to know that Jesus is my best friend, and we'll be talking about Him sometimes." It is a really cool way of looking at ministry and something that Erin and Justin do exceedingly well.
Evidence of this, Ginger and Erin, who began chatting via this blog, met for the first time this weekend. Only Erin could meet someone through a blog, and strike up a friendship that would inspire a face to face meeting. That girl is just made for making friends. (and influencing people)
As I spent the weekend with my Erin and my Ginger, I was amazed by the goodness of God. I was reminded of the women who discipled me, like Kerri my Sunday school teacher, and guide through my teen years, and the turbulence of falling in love. Kerri was an example to me of a godly woman, wife and later, mother. Often we did no more than paint lumber for one of Bill's building jobs, or play in her garden, go for a drive. But she invested time in me. She was my friend. In turn, I learned to do that for other girls. Like Erin. We grew up playing dolls together, and later I was blessed to lead her in a Bible study. She, Annie and Kelly would try to sneak a peek at my love letters and we all spent many a night on my bed, singing worship, talking and giggling. It was sweet fellowship.
So there I stood, with Erin and Ginger. My new girl. Who is also Erin's girl. And I see that the investment in 1 life becomes an investment in many, many more. And I look at my daughter, and I wonder who her Kerri will be? I am praying for them both already. And I am thankful for the reminder that sharing God's love can be as simple as being a friend.
1 comment:
Yiipy I made it!!! On you blog that is!
First off I am so glad that you are my friend and the friend that knows all about me and my wild days and yet you still are there for me! I love you and am so glad to be not only your friend but sister! We have been together for sooooo long almost 30 years!!!! yicks that sounds a little wierd! But it is true! God tells us to show that we are his fallowers by loving each other and well loving you is easy because you are also a awesome fallower of Christ and that shows by the way you love others too! People really fust want to be loved and cared for so minisrty is all in that simple action LOVE. We can because He did! what better way to share the love of Jesus that to love others. We were all in sin and all have our down falls but Christ still loved us while we were sinners so aren't we to be like him and love those who hate us who sin against us? this is what I call being a missionary and like you said you don't need a doctorit to do it. I do wich on occation that I had one but befriending people comes easy for me and I have come to understand that it is not so easy for some so I use what God has given me to obey him and love others to the best of my ability! So Great thanks for being my friend and for reminding me if the gifts God has givien me! I love you and am greatful for your example you have been to me!
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